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Flying Online Laser Marker


Advantages of flying online laser marking machine:

  1. High production speed: The flying online laser marking machine offers fast implementation and time savings. With its cutting-edge graphic design technology, you can easily design and create intricate designs on a computer, resulting in faster turnaround times.
  2. Eco-friendly production process: Unlike chemical etching and inkjet marking processes that use consumables releasing harmful fumes, the flying online laser marking machine is a clean and energy-efficient process that doesn't require any consumables. It helps reduce environmental impact while maintaining high-quality markings.
  3. Compatibility with various materials: The flying online laser marking machine is capable of working on various materials. It can effectively mark organic materials like papers, wood, and some plastic polymers using CO2 lasers. It can also mark surfaces like plastics, glass, ceramics, and various metal grades such as steel, aluminum alloys, and stainless steel using fiber, Nd:YAG, and UV lasers.
  4. Consistent repeatability: The flying online laser marking machine provides highly repeatable marking technology, ensuring efficient production lines and faster turnaround times. It delivers visually-appealing products with precise markings, elevating the quality and consistency of your products.
  5. Durability of marks: Laser markings created by the flying online laser marking machine are permanent with high contrast properties. They offer water resistance and fade-proof qualities, withstanding abrasion, heat, acids, and other harsh conditions. These durable markings ensure long-lasting product tracing without worrying about fade-off over time.
  6. Low maintenance process: The flying online laser marking machine is a no-contact process, minimizing mechanical wear between the system and the workpiece. This significantly reduces maintenance and downtime costs, keeping maintenance requirements and costs to a minimum. Additionally, the machine's mirrors are resistant to dust accumulation, further contributing to low maintenance costs.

Overall, the flying online laser marking machine offers numerous advantages, including high production speed, eco-friendly production, compatibility with various materials, consistent repeatability, durability of marks, and a low maintenance process. It is a reliable and efficient tool for businesses looking to enhance their marking processes while saving time and money.

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